Sunday, October 22, 2006

Shepherd of the Hills

Yesterday we went to the "Shepherd of the hills play" and we stayed for half of it and what we saw was really cool! There were horses, sheep and cows! There was this one guy that did a handstand on a cow! But, we were FREEZING!!!!! At least I was. Doug was sitting in Dad's lap and Dad was keeping him warm and Rayna was sitting in Mom's lap and keeping Rayna warm while poor little me was sitting all alone in a cold, hard, chair and I was Cold! );

After that we left and went to "Cake and Cremes Desert Parlor" and we had dessert before supper.
Okay, Actually I had french fries. Then we came back to "Twelve Oaks Inn The quiet place" I don't do "Quiet places" very well. <):

I gotta go and get ready se we can go and eat breakfast at "Dockers" (I hope!!!) "Dockers" has a breakfast buffet and it's SOOOOO good!!!! Yipieeeeee Dad said that were going to "Dockers" to eat!!!

Gotta go
