Tuesday, October 31, 2006


Granpa came over to check out our car. WHOOPSIE! I forgot to tell you that we got stranded last night in the parking lot! Dad came and jump started us. After that we all went to Godfathers Pizza. That place was PACKED!! Someone was having a soccer party there and I got to see my friends Autumn, Luke and Sabrina there!

Rayna and I started our day out with raking leaves into a big pile and then jumping in them!Jumping in them is the best part of raking leaves.

After that I went in and I did my math. Then I went over to Grandman and Grandpa C's house so I could rake their leaves too. Then I came home and goofed around for a while and then we came here to blog!

End of story!

I was wondering who sent the comment about dying their hair purple and black. I forgot to mention-FORGET THE SPIKES!!! SPIKES R WEIRDER THAN WEIRD!!!!