Recently received question for Bats' Advice Column:
Grannygreenweed said... Dear Bats, I had knee surgery a year ago and the therapy people gave me some knee exercises to do. I asked him how long I'd need to take them and he responded: all your life! Well, as you can guess, I got interested in some other exercises and dropped those. Now I can't find my paper that showed the exercises and I don't need to tell you that my memory is such that I do not remember them! Can you tell me where they are or give me some of your own that would help the knee area? Thanks!--Grannygreenweed
Dear Grannygreenweed, So you are trying to find this um, paper huh?
Suppose you try looking under the bird bath in your back yard.
Or, um, under the bed. (that's where you'll find a LOT of my stuff!)
Or, try the garage.
Or, go looking in the trash can.(hehehehehe) I WOULD have a pic to put with this comment but, mom deleted it off her computer. );
Ok. Back to question. Did you look under the mattress. I hide things there every so often!
Ok enough looking places.
Now for a REALLY good knee exercise plan. Come over to my house and do EVERYTHING Rayna does!!!
That'll get ya on the run!
And especially for the knees hmmmmmmm..... Do 100 jumping jacks every day! HA!
OH, OH, OH, OH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Try this. Build an obsticle course and go through it 3 times a day! Now here's the catch. DO THE OBSTICLE COURSE ON YOUR KNEES!!! (psssst. Your grandkids can come and use the obsticle course too!!! fun, fun, fun!!!) OH MY GOODNESS!!! I almost forgot the most important thing if you want to REALLY get those joints amovin'! Run 10 laps around your neighborhood and you'll be just fine!