Tuesday, January 30, 2007

The stomach flu

I came down with the stomach flu today. ); I (what's the polite term?)swallowed upwards all throughout the day. I couldn't eat anything ('cept breakfast which came back up about an hour after eating it). I am sick!!!!!!!!
I hate the stomach flu.
I got it from Doug. He had it on Saturday and today, I have it. I hope to be well by tomorrow but, I may not be.
The only cool thing 'bout bein' sick is that I didn't have to do any school work today! Instead of math, science, history and all that dumb stuff I got to watch "Walker", "Hogan's Heroes", "Cars" and "Justice League"! I actually took a NAP today! It was only about half 'n' hour of a nap but, a nap is a nap!
I gotta go now.
