My birthday is on July 4th! I LOVE my birthday! EVERYBODY celebrates my b-day!
They don't celebrate the COUNTRY'S bithday or anything like that. They just shoot off fireworks 'cuz of ME!!! Ok I know. You think I'm a Self-Centered little girl right? CORRECT *ding ding ding*!!!!!!
We're going over to Grandma and Grandpa's house tonight to CELEBRATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WAHOOOOOO!!! I LOVE celebrations! We're gonna have cake 'n' lotsa other food too! I LOVE TO EAT! Grandma is the BEST COOK IN THE WORLD!
Doug had a snow day today and all I had to do was one math lesson.
We went outside and played in the snow today. We had a snowball fight and I (of course) won! I SKUNKED Doug and Rayna! Rayna decided stop playing after she got hit a coupla times. Doug just wanted to hit me and didn't want me to hit him! If I hit him just ONE PUNY TIME he stopped and said he didn't want to play anymore but, still kept trying to hit me!
