Today was Mommy's birthday. She turned 44! Can you belive it!!!?
We camped out last night in out tents and had a fire! We ate chili around the fire for supper. We also had smores and marshmallows! Grandma and Grandpa C., Aaron and Aunt Jan came over for the smores and marshmallows part. Mommy got a magnetic bulletin board thingee and we gave Aunt Jan a plastic chicken that had chocolate eggs in it and when you squeeze it it makes a squealing noise that makes tou think that it's neck is being wrung!
When we slept in the tents Doug, Rayna and I slept in a little red tent and Mommy and Daddy slept in a big tent with a two and a half foot mattress under them while we used (puny) sleeping bags. But, I sure am glad that I slept in the little tent because the big tent started leaking on Mommy and Daddy!!
This morning we gave Mom her present and sang Happy Birthday to her while I played Happy Birthday on my mandolin while everyone else sang! When we gave her her present she looked really happy! I would have had a picture with this post but, I don't know how quite yet. But, don't be suprised if one shows up later when Mom shows me how.
After that we went to Open Door Bible Church and we saw Lisa and Iran there! Then we went to a mexican place to eat called, "Dos de Oros" and the food was OK but, I've had better. After that we went to Grandma and Grandpa's house and visited with Aaron and Kelly and Terry were there along with Brianna and Aunt Lynne. Aaron is doing some packet of papers with a bunch o' math questions and you have SIX hours per page and there are 16 pages he told me that that was 92, 94 or 96 hours all together. I almost barfed right then and there!
We came home and Mom took a nap while Doug, Rayna and I watched (for the TENTH time) Doug's "Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers" movie.
After that we had some ice cream cake from DQ. Then Dad and I went to Apple Market to get some stuff. Then we came back and here I am. That was my day.
Write more later!