Monday, October 16, 2006

Rain Rain go away don't come again another day...

Today is SOOOOO rainy and BORING. I got up at 6:37am this morning and said "Bye" to Dad before he went to work. After that I went up and snuggled up with Mom and got nice and warm. Then we came down before Doug and Rayna got up and had a slice of Mom's ice cream cake! It was DELICIOUS but, I felt frozen after I ate it. Mom said if I get all my school done early we can go wireless interneting so I can publish my post. When Mom is on the internet I just write in my word pad document stuff. Mom is on the internet and so I am stuck with just typing it in my (lousy) word pad. Doug just hopped a bus to school and Rayna came down and demanded food. I told her there was a waffle in the toaster but, NOOOOO she had have a toaster strudel instead. After Doug got off the bus Mom said goodbye and waved as he went to school and the dogs started (politley) asking if they could come in. Mom, the big meanie, said, "No" to the cute little dogs! As they went away from the door Gloria looked at me through the window with her big, brown, sad eyes and started whimpering. ); I asked Mom again if she could come in but, Mom said "No" again ); I am so depressed. Rainy days always get me down.

Rayna is begging Mom to let her watch a movie. Mom hasn't answered so she is coming over and slyly asking me if she can watch one of my movies. She hasn't decided which one of my movies she wants what but, think it is "Spirit" though. OOOOO I was WRONG she wants the " Black Stallion". I said "No" and Rayna started KISSING me to get me to say "yes". If you know me you should that I HATE being kissed!!!!!!!
Rayna is now begging for some gum too. Now she is saying, "Darcy won't share her gum. Doug ate all of mine );" Mom is just over there typing away ignoring us.

Yesterday, Rayna was singing another song. It is called "Cow, Cow, Cow". (I think)

Cow go away
Cow come back.
I forgive you for my sins.
Cow Cow come back
I forgive you for my sins
I can play the bass
I can do it with my feet.
Ba boom boom

She changed her song sevral different times and that one is her second version and here is her first version. Oh, and the "choppole" we think she was trying to say chipotle but it came out choppole instead! (:

Cow cow moo moo moo
go away
cow cow cow moo moo moo
cow come back
I forgive you for my sins.

This one is a lot shorter but it has a couple of lines the other one doesn't have. When she was singing it in the car Dad, Mom and I were almost bursting with surpressed laughter while Doug was starting to sing along with her!

Doug has allergies and was sniffling throughout the car ride and Rayna told him, "OOOH Doug! That's really DISGUSTING and IGNOYING!" The Ignoying translates into annoying.

I'll write some more later
